WPC Archive

What a great start to the year. On Sunday 10th February 13 of our Wamboin Pony Club Riders gathered in...

Wamboin Riders (plus Will Golding from Geary’s Gap and his pony Mickey) represented their club in true Wamboin PC style...

The group started with some Christmas themed games in the large arena, followed by a show jumping obstacle course &...

Wamboin PC has six riders in attendance at the 2012 Zone 16 Camp, which kicked off yesterday, Sunday 15 April....

It was a small but enthusiastic group of members who attended the first rally day of the year for Wamboin...

It was a small gathering at Wamboin Pony Club on Sunday December 11 that celebrated the end of another pony...

2011 is about to get underway at Wamboin Pony Club, with the first rally day scheduled for Sunday 13 February....

State Mounted Games State Mounted Games State Mounted Games State Mounted Games State Mounted Games State Mounted Games State Mounted...

It was ratest the friendliest competiton – WAY TO GO WAMBOIN Zone 16 Mixers Wambion Wildcats Us and Them (CRC) Bungendore Spartans Gearys...

State Polocrosse 2011 Zone 16 Hopefuls: Katie & Tia Zone 16 Hopefuls: Amy & Milie Zone 16 Hopefuls: Victoria and Nevada Wamboin Riders

