Wamboin / Geary’s Gap Challenge Shield Event

Wamboin / Geary’s Gap Challenge Shield

Sunday 13th September saw Wamboin Pony Club and Geary’s Gap Club come together for the annual Challenge Shield competiton. This has been held for many years and is a friendly Gymkhana competition. Both clubs turned out at Wamboin Grounds and riders young and old spent the morning competing in ring events as well as completing various levels of a jumping course. At lunchtime both clubs fielded teams in the musical ride where up to 6 horses and riders perform various drills to music. Each team was judged and the scores went towards the competition final result. There was also fancy dress for the young riders and each entry put in quite a bit of effort (see pictures below). The afternoon saw sporting events like barrel and flag racing. After a strong effort by all points were tallied and then divided by the number of riders from each club. This year Wamboin Club ended up with the higher average score so was declared the winner. Thanks Geary’s Gap Club for coming along to what was a friendly fun day, thanks to all the riders and helpers.