Over 100 riders from around the zone and from as far away as Batemeans Bay and other areas gathered at Bungendore Showground on Sunday 6th July for the annual Wamboin Pony Club Friendly Mounted Games event. Riders and spectators braved chilly winds to compete in a fun day of Mounted Games. Thanks to all teams and clubs who attended. The day was a great success and the friendly atmosphere of the event made for a great fun day. Thanks also to all the parents and helpers on the day who worked as officials, lines people, scorers, timekeepers, team managers, equipment handlers, canteen helpers and everything else to make the event a sucess. The day would not have happened without you. Thanks most to the riders and teams who competed with a great friendly spirit. Wamboin thanks you all for coming to our event and we hope to see you again next year.
Below is a link to the official times from the event.